Bulky waste collection

Please note this service is strictly for domestic residents only. If you are a shop, business or commercial premises you will need to find another provider.  We cannot collect commercial items. 

Before you book a bulky waste collection, check if you can recycle your bulky items for free through charities and partner organisations.

If you do choose to book a collection we currently have a 25% discount on all listed item prices for bulky collections. The discount will be applied when you check out.

Remember, if you do not wish to use our services, you can check 'man and van' services on the Environment Agency website. Please be aware of your obligations under the household waste duty of care.

  • Crews will work Monday to Friday and collection date availability is not linked to your green bin days
  • White goods (fridges, freezers, dishwashers, washing machines, tumble driers, ovens etc.) can only be booked on Fridays. We cannot collect any kind of commercial white goods.
  • Soft Seating (sofas, armchairs, padded dining chairs etc) can only be booked on Tuesdays
  • Mixed load types can be booked at the same time with one payment but you may need to pick 3 dates.
  • Only put out items when they are due for collection
  • Please note we are only able to accept payment by credit or debit cards. 
  • Before booking please make sure you read the rules and guidance for collections.

What is a bulky waste collection?

Bulky waste items are domestic waste items that you cannot dispose of in your domestic waste bin.

Bulky waste could include things like:

  • heavy items such as a sofa.
  • large items such as domestic white goods including fridges, washing machines and cookers.
  • smaller items such as an ironing board or a TV unit.

We cannot take:

  • car parts or waste oil
  • clinical waste
  • waste from commercial premises and businesses
  • paint or other liquids
  • hazardous waste
  • double glazed units and window frames, glass shower doors and screens
  • garage doors

For more details check our list of what we can/cannot take.

What do I need to do?

If the following rules are not followed we will not be able to carry out your collection. Please make sure you read these before you pay and book.

  • The collection will take place from the most accessible point of the property for a vehicle, usually your wheelie bin collection point. This may be the back lane,  a bin collection area or the front of a property with a path or drive.  A van needs to be able to easily and quickly access the items. Crews cannot enter garages or drop bollards.
  • Please ensure that items are not left blocking roads or pathways. For insurance reasons, our collection staff cannot enter houses or garages. All items must be left outside the property, visible and/or accessible from the road. Items should not be left behind cars or vehicles.
  • Please note if you have not put items at the correct collection point you may not be entitled to a refund. You can phone Your Local Services on 0191 2787878 if you need advice.
  • All loose items, garden waste and rubble must be bagged, with any loose timber or branches bound together. Please use sturdy bin liners or garden waste bin bags. Crews have to be able to lift the bags at shoulder height on to the vehicles. Crews cannot clear piles of timber and rubbish. If you have dismantled a bed frame or a wardrobe, please secure the bits together in bundles. Make sure any bags you use are strong.
  • You can dismantle some larger items into smaller bags and boxes. If your item is not specifically listed on the other price bands, and if it can be dismantled then bagged or boxed, you can count the items as bags or boxes in the £20 for up to 8 items section.
  • Take care to separate out any soft seating items and keep them apart from any other items.
  • Hedge cuttings and prunings must be tied into bundles with string. Crews cannot take piles of loose cuttings. You will not be eligible for a refund.
  • Do not leave fridges and freezers full of food. We will not collect fridges and freezers with food left in them. Please bag and dispose of any waste or rotten food in your green bin or by booking on a collection of black bags.
  • Any items containing glass - such as TV units or cabinet doors -  need to be securely taped to minimise risk from breakages. We can also take broken glass if it put in a cardboard box and sealed with tape.
  • All items that are for removal need to be listed. This is to avoid any items being taken by mistake.
  • We also ask that items are placed out no sooner than the night before your collection is due. Collections begin early in the morning and continue until early evening. If your collection point is a back lane, we strongly advise that you put your items out at 6.30am on the date collection is due, and not the night before. If you have a mixed booking please only put out the items for collection when they are due. 
  • Make sure soft furnishings are dry. We cannot take sofas, carpet, mattresses or armchairs that have been out in the rain for a prolonged time. If crews come out for a collection and find the items soaked, you will not be eligible for a refund. You can easily make a cover for soft furnishing by taping bin bags together.

What are the costs?

We charge:

  • £40 for each heavy item.
  • £10 for each large item.
  • £20 for up to 8 small items.
  • £70 for each special large item
  • £40 for each special small item

Special items are things that are not classed as day to day general waste items. They are not things that you would normally take with if you were moving house for instance. If you have an item for collection that is not on the lists, please use the "item not on list" option and type in what the item is.

You can still take these items free of charge to our Household Waste Recycling Centres. Remember fridges and freezers can only be taken to the Walbottle site. If you want to use a van, pick up truck, trailer or any vehicle with a business logo to take items to the Household Waste & Recycling Centres you'll need a permit. You can apply for these by text message and you can find full details here. Remember these sites are for residents of Newcastle City Council only and for domestic waste only.

Producers of waste can be liable to prosecution (and an unlimited fine) if someone else disposes of their waste illegally. If you use a waste collector other than the Council, you have a legal duty to ensure you only use someone authorised by the Environment Agency. Please take extra care if you are using services from 'odd job' crews, or anyone who advertise on social media, as they may not be registered.

Please ensure you know how a waste collector intends to dispose of your waste. Ask if the person or company taking the waste away is a registered waste carrier and ask to see copy of their registration certificate. It is the law to do so. Take a note of the name of the collector and the vehicle's details. If you are in doubt about someone, check their details with the Environment Agency on 08708 506 506 and ask for an instant Waste Carrier Validation Check or check online on the Environment Agency's Website. If they are not registered, refuse the service and let us know.

See our pages on this duty of care for more information.

Where can I take unwanted furniture?

If you have good quality furniture or other items, you may be able to get them reused or recycled via a charity or local community groups. Some of these offer the collection service free of charge. 

Cancellations and refunds

Refunds can only be given if the cancellation is received at least a working day before the collection is due. If your collection is already booked and you need to cancel then call Your Local Services on 0191 278 7878.

If crews attend your property and items are not correctly presented you will not be eligible for a refund. 

If you put our more items than you have paid for crews will leave them. So please take care when counting your black bags or bundles of prunings.

If you have any problems with the online forms please phone 0191 2787878 and ask for "Your Local Services."

You will still need a credit or debit card to hand to make payment over the phone.

Need more information?

Please phone 0191 2787878 and ask for "Your Local Services" if you need any advice about our bulky waste service or if you are not sure how to dispose of certain things. Remember it is your responsibility to dispose of your waste correctly and legally.